About Nick Baxter
Experienced independent retail banking consultant (credit risk, consumer products/outcomes, governance, compliance and regulation), expert witness and iNED (PRA/FCA SMF14, SMF12, PRm and PRn).
I have accepted instructions as an expert witness since the mid 1990s and I was admitted as a Full Member of the Academy of Experts in January 1996.

Nick Baxter
I have more than 45 years of experience in the financial services industry.
I am often asked to comment on financial services related matters in the national media, (including television and radio appearances) and the trade press. I also write a quarterly article for a financial services compliance magazine.
Nick Baxter - Relevant qualifications
Certificate in Consumer Debt Collection (CertDC) (2017)
Certificate in Retail Banking Conduct of Business (CertRBCB) (2016)
Certificate in Business Banking & Conduct (CertBB&C) (2015)
Certificate in Compliance Awareness (CertCA) (2014)
Certificate in Anti Money Laundering Awareness (CertAMLA) (2013)
Certificate in Financial Crime Awareness (CertFCA) (2012)
Certificate in Supervising in a Regulated Environment (CeSRE) (2011)
Certificate in Regulated Equity Release (CeRER) (2010)
Certificate in Commercial Mortgages (CeCM) (2009)
Advanced Certificate in Mortgage Advice and Practice (AdvCeMAP) (2009)
Certificate in Regulated Complaint Handling (CeRCH) (2009)
Certificate in Alternative Residential Lending (CeARL) (2008)
Certificate in Regulated Customer Care (CeRCC) (2008)
Certificate in Regulated General Insurance (CeRGI) (2004)
Mortgage Advice Qualification (MAQ) (2001)
Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Part 1 (Associate) Examination (ACIArb) (1999)
Diploma in Mortgage Lending Subject Pass Residential Lending & Property Law (1999)
Certificate in Mortgage Advice and Practice (CeMAP) (1998)
Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing (DipM) (1994)
Financial Planning Certificate (FPC) (1993)
Professional Diploma in Management (DipMan (Open)) (1991)